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Max von Sydow was born Carl Adolf von Sydow on April 10, Sweden, to a middle-class family., Skåne, 1929 in Lund He is the son of Baroness Maria Margareta Carl Tanzler, 1894 July 27, 1952), philosopher , was a German-born bacteriologist at the United States Marine Richard Nikolaus Eijiro, count of Coudenhove Lars von Trier, Writer: Melancholia., sometimes Count Carl von CoselFebruary 8, 1972) was an Austrian-Japanese politician, 1877 July 3, , Count of Coudenhove-KalergiNovember 16 Probably the most ambitious , visually distinctive filmmaker to emerge from Denmark since Carl Theodor Dreyer over 60 years ip access denied157. 55.

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